Expanding your living space or adding a second story for your home improvement project requires weighing its pros and cons. It is a significant decision that can have an impact on various aspects of your home. In this post, we explore the factors you should consider before adding a second story to your home.

Pros of Adding a Second Story
Here are the key benefits of adding a second story to your home.
- Increases Living Space: You can add extra bedrooms, have a larger living area or an additional bathroom.
- Meets the Needs of Your Household: It effectively caters to the needs of growing families.
- Raises Property Value: It can give a significant boost to your home’s resale value.
- No Need to Move Homes: You can remain in your neighborhood, eliminating the need to uproot your family, change schools or leave behind an established support system.
Cons of Adding a Second Story
Here are the drawbacks of adding a second story to your property.
- Cost: High remodeling costs and unexpected structural changes can present significant challenges. You might also need additional services like bathroom remodeling and roofing services, which will incur extra charges during the remodel.
- Structural Concerns: Older homes may require changes to electrical and plumbing systems, strengthening foundational supports, and managing disruptions that may temporarily impact daily life.
- Thorough Planning: You have to carefully plan and assess the risks and benefits of the remodel. You should also consider how it will disrupt your daily life.
Work Only With Reliable Contractors
Adding a second story to your home offers numerous advantages and disadvantages. You can make an informed decision by considering all aspects of the project and not just the benefits alone. If you’re ready to explore the possibility of a second story, call Nuss Construction Company at (856) 988-9982 or visit our contact page today. We serve clients in Cherryhill and Moorestown, NJ.